annie abrahams : work
| about annie abrahams

d'accord - karaoke
"Resurrection karaoke for the humiliated" or "Test to predict potential agressive behavior" (flash, sound on)Ple4as note 2.7 mb please wait for download.For full experience : Do it, sing it, insist, don't stop before the end.
collection:2006 |
date added:2006-02-21 | enter project

Pain Song
Words, words, that hurts. 15 .mp3 mixed, to be mixed. Might take time to charge. Dependant on flux, computer, plugin, and you.The visitor is confronted to: and, direct expressions of felt pain ("ai", "au": reactions to the click that hurts? hurts who? the computer?) and, texts about pain related situations. Does this gives him/her sadistic/masochistic pleasure, does it hurt him/her, or is it producing consolation?
The .mp3 play one by one in the first visit, from the second visit they should play all together. The visitor can play every part of the song again as often as he/she wants, he/she can play with it, make a personal mix.
Ideas, backgrounds :
*Is it possible to sing 'pain'? If so when and how?
*-not an expression but a proposition about pain-
*The first sound heard is a "ai" as if someone was hurt, it might be felt by the visitor as a reaction to his action of clicking the link that leads to it. (So by replaying it the visitor might have the idea that he provokes pain)
*The Dutch sound finishes with a 'pater nostre', a catholic prayer, and the phrase "and so, you will understand we cannot play with you." The rest of this text is an enumeration of negative aspects of the addressed person. (you?)
*Translation of the only only french .mp3: "How many days are there in a week? You will have to count them. One, two, three, four. How many days are there in a week?"
collection:2004 |
date added:2004-09-07 | enter project
annie abrahams : about
Annie Abrahams has a PhD in biology and is a graduate in fine arts. She is Dutch but lives in France for 18 years. She started working on the net in 1995. She is actually teaching at the arts department of the university of Montpellier.Net project "being human" : a big interlinked universe that concentrates on the possibilities and limitations of communication on the net. Her work has been shown in various international new media and video festivals. (Skopje, Mexico City, Tallinn, Seoul, Atlanta, Montreal, Athens, Clermont Ferrand, Tokyo, Bristol, Seattle, Split, Rotterdam etc.) Information, articles etc.