d smirnoff + f cabeza de vaca : work
| about d smirnoff + f cabeza de vaca

Ur, Illinois [02]
This is a part of the work Ur, Illinois, created for the en movimito shows. Consists on two pieces; a musical composition made by request by electronic composer Fran m.m. Cabeza de Vaca, and an interactive piece using materials provided by the same artist.[02] Each corner of the square has a clip. Four kinds of music are played at the same time: a piece of Iraqi percussion, Native Americans chants, Spanish guitars from a typical Andalusian traditional dance and finally a synthetic clip. At the same time, a guiding element appears frantically on the screen.The volume any of the clips may reach depends on the position of the guiding element [hint: clic + drag]War and religious songs; hymns and tavern songs; love songs, lullabies and operas. Music has also been used to establish boundaries between concepts and territories. Musical traditions trace a map closely linked to the memories of the people. We are proud of them and they only go far beyond their own civilization when they overcome the limits set by their own origins (popular, community music) or geographical settings (music from a culture within another culture).holding a dialogue with other musics and traditions.Illinois is based on common spaces for different traditions.collection:2004 |
date added:2004-09-29 | enter project

Ur, Illinois [01]
This is a part of the work Ur, Illinois, created for the en movimi shows. Consists on two pieces; a musical composition made by request by electronic composer Fran m.m. Cabeza de Vaca, and an interactive piece using materials provided by the same artist.Ur Chaqarr is a musical piece specially composed for this event by Fran m.m. Cabeza de Vaca. He was asked to play with different axis: different geographical settings, different times, different rythms or channels and using materials placed near the extremes of those axis, thus combining and mixing them until a unitary common result was achieved thanks to the melting of such different materials. Ur Chaqarr joins the American, Eastern, and Southern Spain musical traditions together with synthetic music. At the same time, it also joins the rythms of three and four times organized into cycles of twelve. ABOUT THE MUSIC PLAYER The musical piece abovementioned can be heard by using the mp3 player placed on top. Progress bars on your right will help you know the percentage the file has been loaded so far depending on the speed of your connection. Beware in mind that this is an estimated percentage, not a real one. Ur Chacarr can be played in streaming whenever you like, regardless the document has been loaded or not (in the latter case, sometimes it may not sound properly)Apart from the play and stop buttons placed on the left side, there is a bar showing the playing time and a tool for the stereo channels. Ur Chacarr may also be downloaded into your computer hard disk by clicking here. (right clic + save file as...)collection:2004 |
date added:2004-11-12 | enter project