enrico tomaselli : work
| about enrico tomaselli

Reality Is Multiple
The idea of the complexity and overlapping of the different levels of the reality, plays here a central role in the elaboration of the concept. And playing on the overlap of levels, that transform the visible reality as in something of other (and of unexpected), the observer comes leaded to the initial engaged, but 'unveiled' in closing: also the web is a multiple reality (in that mirror and metaphor of the 'real' world).The movie opens on a scene of absolute usuality (a road, the cars that spends), therefore a first sign intervenes, the passage of a butterfly that, for his position absolutely parallel to the visual layer, betrays his extraneousness to the scene. Immediately enter therefore in field a hand that 'touch' that image, which ripples in concentric circles, like water; did what we believe real (a vision with depth of field) does only being reveal itself one plain surface, liquid in addition (perhaps only a reflex of the reality?).
The crinkled image therefore absolves to black and, without solution of continuity, there shows the butterfly again, 'sustained' on the face with the intense look of a tuareg woman; fast, a cross fading focused on the eye returns us the face, by decidedly Oriental features, of a young laboratory researcher, underlining once more, with the use of the images, the multiplicity of the reality (from Africa to the Far East, from the nomadism to the hi-tech).
A fall of numbers (the 'binary' couple 01 of the digital) comes down to cover the face, while fast spend some screenshot of websites, connecting the movie to the final payoff: "the web too." A click and an effect of light like a TV putting off closes the movie definitely, moving the level of the reality once more.
collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project

Sexual Obsession
The obsession for sex, that characterizes many contemporary men, engages sometimes so much compulsive forms to become saturated their existence.The bombardment of communication sexually distinguished, characteristic of the advertising as like of the entertainment and even of the information, determine an input overflow that finishes for give birth to a perceptive distorsion; the subject psycological weakker has exposed therefore to a poisoning of toxicologic type: the relationship with the sexuality loses his natural dimension, for be transformed in an unsatisfiable dependence.About this perceptive distorsion speak the animation Sexual Obsession.The movieclip is in effects a loop, where the images obsessively reiterate itself, and where the soundtrack, adding to each loop to that already in execution, create an effect of increasing hallucination.
collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project
enrico tomaselli : about
Enrico Tomaselli is living and working as both, web designer and Internet based working artist, who participated in numerous national and international exhibitions. His educational background comes from study at Artistic High School in Palermo, and at European Institute of Design in Rome.
"Basically, all my studies has been oriented to graphic design, and was completed before the digital times. So, all about digital tools come to me by professional experience in the last fifteen years. Consequently, my approach to digital art get behind, also because for many years I refuse to do art maybe as reaction to family milieu."