esther polak : work
| about esther polak

Radio Oostvaart
A farmer, a neighbourhood resident and a nature lover each has his own way of relating to animals. What is the difference, for example, in the language they use? Artist Esther Polak follows farmers, residents and nature lovers, recording the interaction between people and animals. Radio Oostvaart will be broadcasting a new vodcast (short film for computer or iPod) every day. Watch along with us at: |
date added:2006-09-03 | enter project
esther polak : about
A farmer, a neighbourhood resident and a nature lover each has his own way of relating to animals. What is the difference, for example, in the language they use. Artist Esther Polak follows farmers, residents and nature lovers, recording the interaction between people and animals. Radio Oostvaart will be broadcasting a new vodcast (short film for computer or iPod) every day. Watch along with us at:
esther polak : awards & exhibitions
Esther Polak is a visual artist, born and living in Amsterdam. She is best known for two projects in the field of locative media. She studied graphic art and mixed media and is interested in how technology determines (visual) perception.
The first GPS-project was AmsterdamREALTIME, diary in traces: About sixty inhabitants of Amsterdam carried a GPS tracer with them for a week in the period 4 October - 1 December 2002. They participated in a real time mapmaking project in which their routes through town were made visible on a projection screen in the exhibition space: The participants were asked to go about their normal daily business and switch on the GPS tracer when they are 'en route'. The traces on screen form an alternative, highly personal map of the city. This was a joint project of Esther Polak, Jeroen Kee and the Waag Society. In 2004-2005 she realized the second GPS-project, MILK in collaboration with researcher Ieva Auzina and Rixc, Riga centre for new media culture. The project followed a European dairy transport from the udder of the (Latvian) cow to the mouth of the (Dutch) consumer. In 2005 the project was awarded with the Golden Nica for interactive art, at Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.
Another ongoing project of Esther Polak is the preparatory national course on image dictation For this Esther Polak organizes a series of special lessons in which participants are being trained to see more.
Esther's project for 2006 (september) can be seen at: radiooostvaart
For more information and project/article links see