joe gilmore : work
| about joe gilmore

rand()% is an automated net radio station streaming real-time generative music directly from a wide range of applications such as Max/Msp, PureData, C++, Perl, Director, Flash. The project was created by joe gilmore and tom betts.collection:2004 |
date added:2004-09-08 | enter project
joe gilmore : about
Joe Gilmore is a multidisciplinary artist and graphic designer. His work has been published internationally on various music labels including 12k and LINE (NYC), Cut (Zürich), Alku (Barcelona), Melange (Sendai), Entr'acte (London) and Leonardo Music Journal (San Francisco). He was co-creator of rand()%, an automated internet radio station, which streamed realtime generative music.
His work has been exhibited at various digital art festivals and galleries including Lovebytes (Sheffield), VIPER International Festival for Film and New Media (Basel), Sonar (Barcelona), The Media Centre (Huddersfield), Exit Art (New York), Leeds City Art Gallery (Leeds), Ear to the Earth (New York), Aurora (Norwich) and ZKM (Zentrum fur Kunst und Medienteknologie, Karlsruhe). He has performed festivals and art spaces in Europe, USA and Japan.