tomoo : work
| about tomoo

Network Planet
The work, entitled Network Planet Ensemble, is an interactive multi-user virtual 3D world on the Internet which bases on Music of Planets (Harmonice Mundi)by Johannes Kepler. Viewers can transform themselves into asteroid avatars, move in the space freely and play an ensemble together, listening to his music. A viewer might meet other asteroid avatars (other viewers). Then, all the viewers who do not even know their names become planets of the solar system and play the unexpected ensemble. This work bases on Kepler's idea that he adapted the construction of the universe into the musical scale in order to demonstrate the harmony of the world (Harmonice Mundi). It likens Internet to the vast universal space and disposes client computers connected to the server computer as an asteroid at the virtual universe.Note we do not offer any technical support or advice regarding the use of this project. We have decided to link to his project.
collection:2004 |
date added:2004-08-28 | enter project
tomoo : about
Tomoo Shimomura. Born in January 22, 1969 Osaka, Japan. Interactive play spaces.
tomoo : awards & exhibitions
1984.04 - 1987.03 Osaka Prefectural Senyo Senior High School
1989.04 - 1993.03 Doshisha University: Faculty of Commerce
1998.04 - 1999.03 Inter Medium Institute Graduate School :
2004.10 - Musashino Art University: Correspondence Course Department of painting
1989.04 - 1993.03 Doshisha University: Faculty of Commerce
1998.04 - 1999.03 Inter Medium Institute Graduate School :
2004.10 - Musashino Art University: Correspondence Course Department of painting