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VTMZ is an online space for shared music, as well as a music broadcasting station. Listeners may upload their own songs to VTMZ, and, after being read by software, these songs become part of VTMZ's repertoire. The songs are played through a synthesizer sound module, and the performance of the synth is broadcast online. The songs played by the synth are not quite the original songs, but derivative interpretations of the originals: noise has been stripped from the songs, and lyrics have been masked, while the harmonic and tuneful parts have been retained. The interpretation process is somewhat reminiscent of Muzak, but, unlike Muzak, the results are not always lightweight, instead offering equal parts familiarity and challenge.
collection:2005 | date added:2005-04-14 | enter project

victor liu : about

victor liu : awards & exhibitions

o Fellowship from the New York Foundation for the Arts (05)
o commission (04)
o Gate page for the Whitney Museum's Artport (04)