rain ashford : work Atom feed | about rain ashford

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Playfull online animation.
collection:2004 | date added:2004-08-13 | enter project
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A clourfull picture of a cat.
collection:2004 | date added:2004-08-13 | enter project

rain ashford : about

New/old media fusion artist - combines digital media forms with traditional mediums of painting, drawing and printmaking to create process installation artworks.

I'm totally driven to create things, I announced to my parents aged four that I was going to be an artist. I've been playing with sound and visuals as separate elements since, though multimedia applications available for home computers enabled me to find a way of bringing these different media together using a process which I really enjoyed. I love the internet, it's a great medium/environment to work with, I find it's confines a positive challenge to work to.
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