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Loud vs. Quiet

Loud vs Quiet
Some people like noise, some people don't.
Select a person, make some noise, watch their reaction.
A reactive video sound toy.
collection:2006 | date added:2006-03-21 | enter project
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The World Is Our Sound Toy

These works are an extension of my interest in photography, music and the Australian Landscape. I am trying to not only present proof of concepts and areas of further exploration but also to encourage imagination and new ways of interpreting the environment around us. A key element in this concept is the word "OUR", this is a project presented for discussion and collaboration

The concept is quite simple. It is to extend to user interface of audio software into the real world. It is to share these computing experiences with an audience and to invite collaboration.It is to explore the use of photographs of the Australian environment as the user interface for a series of sound toys. The photographs of the environment will not only be used as the basis of the user interface but as an integral part of the user interface of these sound toys. These soundtoys explore the nature musical software, the use of the environment as musical instruments and look to explore a musical interpretation of the environment around us.
collection:2005 | date added:2005-03-24 | enter project

dylan davis : about

Modern sound creation software all too quickly bases it metaphors on existing musical tools; even the simplest software conforms to metaphors established in reality. The soundtoys presented here are the result of a desire to depart from this formula, to create a computing experience that extends the imagination not only in a musical sense but in the way we perceive the world around us.