sgx : work
| about sgx

Coactive lets the user piece together different audio element loops which are accompanied by visual animations. The goal was to let the user arrange the song within an attractive and animated user interface void of any type of recognizeable symbols or words. Hopefully figuring out the system is fun and the music is enjoyable.Mp3 version of Coactive can be downloaded here.
collection:2006 |
date added:2006-07-21 | enter project
sgx : about
I am primarily a composer/producer of electronic/dance music, but lately have been getting into Flash and working with interactive audio. I enjoy interacting with software to make music, which is probably one reason I love creating music on the computer. The visual representations of audio and the GUIs for manipulating that which cannot be seen is extremely interesting to me. artist homepage
sgx : awards & exhibitions
My music is featured in the music games FlashFlashRevolution and o2jam.