carla diana : work
| about carla diana

Terranium is an audiovisual environment that allows the user to explore a virtual world on 3-different levels: sub-terranian, ground-level and stellar. In each section, programmed graphical behaviors are used to trigger sounds. The rhythms and compositions are algorithmic, but can be altered through user interaction.collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project

flash, audiovisual, interactive, soundtoys, kids, playful, graphical, interface, rhythmic, sequencer is a collection of virtual instruments designed for live performance and online user exploration. Rhythms and musical phrases can be dynamically composed and altered based on the arrangement of objects on the screen. The piece is a work in progress that will be updated and customized. A live version can be viewed at http://www.repercussion.orgcollection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-06 | enter project

My personal work deals very heavily with humans as the link between animal and machine. I find this particular juncture in history to be a perplexing haze of discovery that makes us increasingly aware of how little we truly know about what it means to be alive. It is this complexity that I seek to highlight in my interactive experiments. I make work that is part image, part sound, part math and part language. In particular, I take user responses and translate them into shifting melodies, creating what can best be described as visual mixing boardscollection:2002 |
date added:2002-05-22 | enter project
carla diana : about
Carla Diana is a new media artist who specializes in the balance between the technical and the creative. She has an MFA in Design from Cranbrook Academy of Art and a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from the Cooper Union. Much of her work deals with interactive audio-visual experiments, where user responses are translated into shifting melodies, and programmed behaviors evolve on the screen into graphical patterns. Her interactive projects have been featured in both online and traditional gallery settings, and she was selected by the Art Director's Club as a "Young Gun" in 2001. Her latest piece,, has been selected as a finalist in the Flash Forward Film Festival for 2003. Carla is currently Professor of Computer Art at Savannah College of Art and Design.