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The Futurizer Xmas

This musictool is based on the futurizer from 1999. it features some well-know german xmas songs. you can play the songs by hitting the rects in the right order. the online version lets you download the whole sound in streaming sound format.
collection:2000 | date added:2000-08-13 | enter project
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The Futurizer

This musictool uses 1. backgroundsounds - the large rects, 2. repeating sounds - 3. the small rects and sounds - the lines. you can arrange them on the grid. loudness for each item depends on its vertical position. The foreground sounds manipulate a certain node each of the background shape, the backgroundsounds manipulate the shape's color. Dragging a backgroundsound into the grey area turns this sound off.
collection:1999 | date added:1999-08-13 | enter project
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The Sequencer

It uses sounds to give the interface some of of those haptics. Connect the dots in the right way.
collection:1999 | date added:1999-08-13 | enter project
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The Fiddler

this music tool is based on a sound sent to me by a friend. the fiddler is the smallest musictool i ever developped. just hit the red curtain to start or the fiddler again to force him to stop.Production tools used: director 6-8, soundedit16, photoshop, flash 4
collection:1997 | date added:1997-08-13 | enter project

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