influenza : work
| about influenza

Nonsensor - Rafael Marchetti, Raquel Renno (Influenza, Brazil) and Gonzague Defos du Rau (Cypr?s, France)Nonsensor is a project that makes use of movement sensors to capture the distortion created by objects that intervene in the magnetic field between the sensors and the antenna. The graphic interface show points which create lines for each sensor; in fact the sensors are fixed, it?s the magnetic disturbance in the system (created by the user that manipulates metallic objects) that creates changes in the database that are represented as physical displacement. We consider that the first interface between man and machine is the physical environment which transmits information. This immersive environment cannot be reduced to the monitor, mouse, keyboard or other computer peripherals, since other elements are in action.Information in digital language does not have necessarily to do with the meaning of codified elements; in fact they are impulses, ways of energy in movement that are transformed into signals only after the definition of a reading code Therefore the code can be changed generating different results, even from the same informational database. Nonsensor is a proposal for using information as an incorporeal flow that constitutes the interface.
collection:2005 |
date added:2005-03-05 | enter project

This is an online work based on an algorithmic equation that creates a non-game, a non-interactivity based on a dis-structure of navigation created on a city map. Or, perhaps, on a non-map. A map that diverts. The user accesses a series of windows where he/she will find a sequence of geometric grids. So what Kinetic relationships resulting from random combinations emerge in expansive movements in the two-dimensional surface of the screen. The pictorial and lineal possibilities presented at every click of the computer mouse are challenged by the non-proposal. Map aims to subvert the media by annulling the browser as interface. There is no point in clicking the mouse. This is a work of subtleties. What words define it Non, counter, de-/dis- What do they mean Precisely that. This work counters the Internet, counters the user, and its unpredictability de-stabilizes any system. Such is its poetic density. By creating diversions at random, it eventually creates dis-drawing, dis-painting, dis-art, non-interactivity, and annuls our media action. Dis-activate. The void. Nothingness. Nothing on the surface. Like a hacker, it installs virulence. This non-proposal of contamination worms its way in on the reverse side to challenge a system and its layers, to de-stabilize the order of things, without exactly creating or re-creating chaos.It is the relationship between elements and the manner in which they interconnect which form the central focus of projects executed by Influenza. The objective is to take studies and experiments beyond the defined object, away from the restricted notion of authorship and direct them towards a diffuse environment, one that is hybrid, ?cybrid? and collective.
Map is a project that carries the debate along a different path: the digital image is not an image, but a system created from codes the input and output of which continue to reproduce results already obtained. It aims also to question the interactions using the mouse a graphic interface widely used on the web and which may generate certain automatisms (causing the disappointment by some users when an action involving the mouse does not generate an immediate response on the interface).
The element of chance has been included by random sequencing in an effort to integrate causality in the ordered structure of the work. It is known that there are rules in chaotic organizations, but rules not defined a priori, as a rationalized variety.
collection:2004 |
date added:2004-09-08 | enter project
influenza : about
Influenza (Rafael Marchetti and Raquel Renno): It is the relationship between elements and the manner in which they interconnect which form the central focus of projects executed by Influenza . The objective is to take studies and experiments beyond the defined object, away from the restricted notion of authorship and direct them towards a diffuse environment, one that is hybrid, cybrid and collective. Since the advent of what is known as the digital media, the media itself has served as a language exchange. This feature is being developed in the digital media, into new receptive supports such as the internet, palm-tops, cell phones and wi-fi.
This means new supports, greater portability, nomadic media demonstrating new possibilities of remediation and remodelling the media and new combinations, among other uses. This confluence would thus serve to broaden new horizons for technology, allowing for the renewal and reformulation of the language pertaining to each of the media.
This means new supports, greater portability, nomadic media demonstrating new possibilities of remediation and remodelling the media and new combinations, among other uses. This confluence would thus serve to broaden new horizons for technology, allowing for the renewal and reformulation of the language pertaining to each of the media.
influenza : awards & exhibitions
Nonsensor project (Influenzas individual exhibition)Tohu Bohu Gallery (March)Marseille, France. 3rd Annual Thailand New Media Arts Festival (MAF05)Bed Supper Club, Bangkok, Thailand. Dorkbot Barcelona Metronom Gallery (January) Barcelona, Spain 2004. Soundtoys Internet Researchers Association Conference say it with software art!