content tagged with "immersive"

thumbnail screenshotGeoLeds by:annie on ni wan
GeoLeds is an realtime location-based LED sculpture project developed from GPS technology in TCM Iceland Workshop and electronics experiment from my previos project TeleCart.It ... +
thumbnail screenshotNon_sensor by:influenza
Nonsensor - Rafael Marchetti, Raquel Renno (Influenza, Brazil) and Gonzague Defos du Rau (Cypr?s, France)Nonsensor is a project that makes use of movement sensors to capture ... +
thumbnail screenshotSpherAleas by:gregory lasserre - ana met den
SpherAleas is made of a half-spherical structure and of an evolutionary, interactive device bringing man, image and sound together thanks to digital tools. The machine becomes ... +
thumbnail screenshotViral Counter - Attack by:joseph nechvatal
"Viral Counter-Attack" is a multi-user immersive computer environment which follows certain conventions of the computer war-game precedent. Here multi-users command custom made ... +
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