stanza : work
| about stanza

Lifeforms By Stanza
The "mutations" are a series of generated paintings, based on the artists sampled and sequenced DNA profile. This work is my DNA portrait.My DNA was sequenced originally in 2003. I have made some slight changes and incorporated more data from my DNA sequences. The audio is playing along sequences of my DNA string.
If you would like to commission your own DNA portrait please contact me.
INSTALLATION: To be projected on the walls in a gallery or architectural space. Also available for touch screens; if you want exhibit them get in touch. Screen resolution 1024 by 768.
Double Helix Staircase, The Old School Board, Leeds.
collection:2007 |
date added:2007-10-31 | enter project

networked, installation, locative, stanza, netart, soundscape, interface, livefeed, urban, architectural, 2007, wireless
Sensity artworks are made from the data that is collected across the urban and environment infrastructure. Using the environment to make art.These artworks made will represent the movement of people, pollution in the air, the vibrations and sounds of buildings, they will be in effect emergent social sculptures visualising the emotional state of the city. The sensor network can be moved from urban to rural setting and different types of visualization can be made depending on the environment. Sensity is an open social sculpture that informs the world and creates new meaningful experiences.
A network of sensors, some fixed, and some embedded, collects data which is then published online. The sensors then interpret the micro-data of the interactive city. The output from the sensors displays the emotional state of the city online and the information will be used to create installations and sculptural artefacts.
Sensity is a highly technical project that's will give vast amounts of information about the fabric of our cities. By embedding the sensors we can re-engage with the urban fabric and enable new artistic metaphors within city space. The sensors are positioned across the city. Custom software enables these sensors to communicate will one another in a network.
collection:2007 |
date added:2006-10-13 | enter project

shockwave, generative, aesthetics, soundtoys, performance, stanza, netart, playful, randomness, reactive, 2006
(1997 - 2006) audio visual relationships between art and science.... maybe...... The whole site has been re-designed and updated for 2006.AUDIO VISUAL PAINTINGS
Interactive, generative, audio visual, digital paintings and drawings created specifically for the internet. This is interactive art on the internet, incorporating generative sounds and coded imaging. Amorphoscapes, provide a seductive, multi-sensory non linear and interactive experience for the audience to immerse into. Now available as touch screen based works as well as a live performance event.
collection:2007 |
date added:2006-02-20 | enter project

Robotica is an installation using controlled autonomous players, robots that navigate their own space to make music and visuals. As they move around they trigger a database of sounds which are played dependent on the position in space. The movement of the robots also controls live dynamic data from the outside of the city to create the visuals. Live web feeds from around the city are projected into the installation space, via a series of projectors. These images are live real time live updated 3d models which are controlled by the movement of the robot.collection:2005 |
date added:2005-03-05 | enter project

Datacity 2004
shockwave, audiovisual, interactive, online, artist, networked, traffic, stanza, netart, transmission, city, interface, environment, 3d, urban, noise, landscape, realtime, CCTV
Live sounds and live image data caputured in real time from cameras around Bristol. Based on live capture of CCTV in real time. Turn into a painterly interpretation of the landscape. With interactibe city sounds sequencer.collection:2004 |
date added:2004-11-26 | enter project

Amorphoscapes Series II 2003 - 2004
shockwave, generative, art, alife, aesthetics, audiovisual, interactive, artist, stanza, touchscreen, animation, explorative, interface, randomness, environment, automata, emotional, rhythmic, repetition
New audio visual experiments online and for touch screen. A whole range of works with generative sounds and images that move and morph around the screen. One series doesn't have sound and one series also uses CPS for position control.collection:2004 |
date added:2004-11-26 | enter project

shockwave, art, audiovisual, interactive, soundtoys, online, kids, stanza, touchscreen, netart, playful, graphical, architectural
Series of six multi sound environments by stanza. Lots of built in sounds and layers. soundscraper ...... 1999 - 2000
These works are an audio visual synthesis. These works in this series are between 200 - 230k. Much larger than most works I usually place online. The expense is due to the heavy sound layering and multichannel sounds in the soundscraper series. All of which are different in the six pieces in this series. You can click through areas and also drag with the mouse down to move through three d.
collection:2003 |
date added:2003-05-05 | enter project

Inner City
shockwave, aesthetics, audiovisual, interactive, online, kids, animation, city, interface, urban, monochrome, noise, architectural, abstraction
2002 Sections inside include virosity. artitexture. blackstar. complicity. cuboxis. intoxcity. megalopolis.organicity. phyletcity.revolver. utopias. Continuing the search for the "soul of the city"?. The idea is to go deeper into analogies for the organic identity of the city. Inner City is an audio visual, interactive, internet art, experience. The micro city becomes an organic networks of grids and diagrams. The form and content of this work is a visual world of the city and its structure. Networks of information technology, are contrasted with organic networks and city networks. The project fuses the sounds of specific places.The sounds of language impose a rhythm that the visual narrative can interact with. This project is located at collection:2002 |
date added:2002-05-05 | enter project

shockwave, generative, interactive, soundtoys, online, kids, stanza, touchscreen, netart, sounds, graphical, interface, monochrome, rhythmic
numbers by stanza 2001. One of the new online digital labyrinths. Interactive audio visual digital paintings and drawings for the internet. Journeys and experiments in audio visual sensual pleasure. They are audio visual paintings, and can be installed into 'real' environments, where the movement of people in the room or gallery triggers the interactivity within the work.Interactive art on the internet. 3d and generative sounds. This is just one of a whole series of works investigating replication, cellular forms, pictures that you can interact with that also have generating sounds. collection:2001 |
date added:2001-05-05 | enter project

alife, audiovisual, soundtoys, stanza, playful, graphical, randomness, environment, rhythmic, repetition
1999 - 2000 An environment with sounds that can be selected that allow images to be altered. Cellular automata. The cells generate and move when the user makes them. A choice of sounds on the right allows the independent selection of sound to image. This piece was shown on ITV in the web review and featured on sonic arts network for the gallery channel. Also shown on the designers network. collection:2000 |
date added:2000-05-05 | enter project
stanza : about
Stanza is a UK based artist who specialises in net art, multimedia, and electronic music. His award winning online projects have been invited for exhibition in digital festivals around the world, and Stanza also travels extensively to present his net art, giving performances of his audiovisual interactions, and making exhibitions. Stanza is interested in the engagement of the public/audience as a creative user across a variety of formats, from the web to gallery installation. For more info see
Stanza started in 1997 and is the director.
Stanza started in 1997 and is the director.
stanza : awards & exhibitions
AHRC Creative fellowship 2006 - 2009
NESTA Dreamtime Award. 2004
Clark Digital Bursary. 2003
Future Physical Grant for Genomixer. 2002
D.T.I. Innovation Award. 1997
Videoformes Multimedia First prize France 2005
Art In Motion V.First prize USA 2004
Vidalife 6.0 first prize 2003
Fififestival Grand Prize France 2003
New Forms Net Art Prize Canada 2003
Fluxus Online first prize Brasil 2002
SeNef Online Grand Prix Korea 2002
Links first prize Portugal 2001
Videobrasil first prize Brasil 2001
Cynet Art first prize Germany 2000
Wolfsen 25 Painting first prize UK
AHRC Creative fellowship 2006 - 2009
NESTA Dreamtime Award. 2004
Clark Digital Bursary. 2003
Future Physical Grant for Genomixer. 2002
D.T.I. Innovation Award. 1997
Videoformes Multimedia First prize France 2005
Art In Motion V.First prize USA 2004
Vidalife 6.0 first prize 2003
Fififestival Grand Prize France 2003
New Forms Net Art Prize Canada 2003
Fluxus Online first prize Brasil 2002
SeNef Online Grand Prix Korea 2002
Links first prize Portugal 2001
Videobrasil first prize Brasil 2001
Cynet Art first prize Germany 2000
Wolfsen 25 Painting first prize UK