content tagged with "score"

thumbnail screenshotContrapunctus Variations by:second story
Contrapunctus allows visitors to generate their own musical contribution, which may be part of a live performance from the Third Angle New Music Ensemble. The work will be ... +
thumbnail screenshotCubop v1 by:rechord
Audiovisual composition instrument that provides an easily accessible, alternative way to participate with music and visual arrangement via the creation and on the fly editing ... +
thumbnail screenshotGrid Box by:daniel pearce
'GridBox' is an audiovisual composition that explores the notion of play in the interactive experience. The piece utilises a 3x3 grid as an interface for manipulating ...
thumbnail screenshotISJS by:pall thayer
ISJS is my most recent effort at creating abstract visual art that borrows from the aesthetic qualities of music. I think that the majority of the general public finds it much ... +
thumbnail screenshotLooking For The New Universal Harmony by:pall thayer
'Looking for the new universal harmony' as in New Harmony in IP numbers rather than nations? Something along those lines.'Looking for the new universal harmony'is another of my ... +
thumbnail screenshotMessndtys by:jess loseby
Pitched interaction/simple amusing interactions between vision and soundbits hit relation/simple amusing interactions between vision and soundsimple text to sound ...
thumbnail screenshotPage_maze by:thomaz and heuser
The first work of the project When a Page Becomes a Maze shows one of the pages from the book 'The Language of New Media', by Lev Manovich, through which several small red ... +
thumbnail screenshotPattern Chain: Internet Instrument by:robert wright
A playable and fun instrument which generates musical patterns based upon the physical movements of a chain of objects which together simulate the properties of either spring ... +
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